

The small business blog for owner managers providing opinion & comment on all things related to small businesses

Frank Hannigan, founder of

Frank Hannigan was rejected by Dragons’ Den with his idea for online lost and found service He sought alternative sources of funding, eventually winning twice the amount asked for on the show. caught up with Hannigan and asked for some pearls of wisdom on the major hurdles for start-ups.



Mike Southon author of The Beermat Entrepreneur

Mike Southon co-founded, built and sold his own company in the 80s, and worked on 17 start-ups in the 90s, specialising in sales and marketing.


Christian Nelleman, founder of XLN Telecom

Founded in 2002 to offer an alternative telecoms service for small businesses, XLN Telecom’s growth has been phenomenal, advancing 800 per cent in the first year and continuing in the same vein. asked serial entrepreneur Christian Nelleman, founder and chief executive of XLN Telecom, to share his experience and top tips.


Karen Gill co-founder of Everywoman

Karen Gill co-founded Everywoman in 1999, shortly after giving birth to her son. With her partner Maxine Benson, she identified a need for accessible business information for women entrepreneurs. The company started as an online information resource, but has since grown to incorporate training and conference events for women in business. asked her to share her story.


Few entrepreneurs aim for high growth

Less than ten per cent of early-stage entrepreneurs expect their businesses to be employing 20 or more individuals within five years, according to a new worldwide survey from research collective the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.


Are small businesses less attractive investments these days?

Opinion is divided on whether too many UK companies seeking small equity investments are being overlooked in favour of their larger-scale counterparts. Are small businesses less attractive investments these days?


Preparing your business for the year ahead

With the Christmas period behind you it’s time to start looking at the year ahead, and how you will use your time to improve your business.


Credit crunch: What does it mean for you?

In the current global economic climate, small business owners are likely to be concerned about the consequences of the credit crunch.


Preparing your business for the year ahead

With the Christmas period behind you it’s time to start looking at the year ahead, and how you will use your time to improve your business.


Credit crunch: What does it mean for you?

In the current global economic climate, small business owners are likely to be concerned about the consequences of the credit crunch.


Problems affecting businesses in rural areas

Thinking about the recent spate of problems affecting businesses in rural areas, from the foot and mouth scare to the extreme weather, I want to touch on the issue of rural and urban enterprise and the apparent divide between them.


How close is your business is to profitability?

In our survey this fortnight, we asked how close your business was to profitability. While 12 per cent of you sadly fear that you may never be profitable, the vast majority is positive about the future, with 68 per cent either already profitable or expecting to be so by next year.


Small firms be aware – Bank of England rise in interest rates

With the news that the Bank of England may raise interest rates again by June, small firms need to be aware of the effect this may have on their business.


Reducing the complexity of taxation regulations

Chancellor Gordon Brown made his Budget speech today to the House of Commons. During recent Budgets the Chancellor has announced initiatives to reduce the complexity of taxation regulations but progress has been limited.

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade

Partner content

How should I select my business broadband provider?

As with any supplier, it’s important to do your research and ask important questions before you select a broadband provider for your business. But what are the must-have things you should take into consideration?

Partner content

Why your business should switch to a broadband-based phone network

Analogue phone systems are increasingly being replaced by smarter broadband based networks – here’s why you should consider switching

Partner content

Streamlining document management for your small business

David Malan, sales director of DocuWare for the UK and Ireland, explains how the platform can streamline your document management