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Annual salary: £19,701 (Indeed)

What do I need? Computer, blogging/vlogging platform, camera, lighting

It helps to have the presenting and writing skills from the off with this one. But what you really need is something interesting to make content about. It could be that you have an unusual perspective or set of life circumstances – perhaps you gave birth to quintuplets or were raised in a cult.

If not, people are forever browsing the internet for information on specialist areas. If you’ve got a particular topic that you’re passionate about, whether it be ice hockey or ethical investing, try and find a niche within that and get creating. Using the Google search bar will give you an idea of what the more popular search terms are.

When doing your research, you’re likely to find that content creators often have both a blog and a vlog. Focus on one first and build a rhythm before introducing the other. You could even gradually incorporate one into the other such as writing a blog post based on a video you made or making a short video for your blog post.

Either way, having a decent camera will set you up well as you’ll get high quality photos and video footage. As blogs and vlogs are much more mainstream than they were in the previous couple of decades, users have come to expect a certain level of quality from their content.

Making money is more challenging than some of the other ideas listed in this article as it’s very much a case waiting for the money to start coming in. Post videos consistently (same time of day and day of the week), find out what your target audience is after and optimise your content for search. You’ll likely be getting dribs and drabs of income through ad revenue in the early days, but consistent creators can land lucrative partnerships.

Plus, when you’re more established you could extend your services out to others who need a videographer or editor for their project. Not only will that diversify your workload, but it’ll likely be a more steady income.

Take a look at our article on the best entrepreneur channels to follow on YouTube to see how video creation is done.

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Anna Jordan

Anna is Senior Reporter, covering topics affecting SMEs such as grant funding, managing employees and the day-to-day running of a business.

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