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Roy Ash

20 best quotes about being an entrepreneur


The essential guide to small business marketing

In this guide, we look at how small business marketing can be made easy for new company owners.

20 best quotes about being an entrepreneur

Roy Ash


The essential guide to small business marketing

In this guide, we look at how small business marketing can be made easy for new company owners.


Carina Lepore: ‘I saw Lord Sugar’s car and it was a sign’

In this episode of Small Business Snippets, Anna Jordan meets entrepreneur and The Apprentice winner, Carina Lepore


How to win £4,500 to make your small business green

Government teams up with BT, SSE and NatWest to find Britain’s greenest small businesses

Startup Funding and Grants

Former Start-Up Series winner discusses his next funding round – Ed Bird, Bird Eyewear

By securing equity investment from The Start-Up Series competition, Ed Bird created a sustainable fashion eyewear business with a social conscience. Now, he's focused on the business' next funding round.


Tej Lalvani: ‘Nearly everything is possible’

In this episode of Small Business Snippets, Anna Jordan meets Dragon Tej Lalvani and entrepreneur Sam Jones


The Start-Up Series competition is back — a chance to secure up to £250,000 in equity funding

The Start-Up Series competition is back after a month's holiday, giving your business a chance to secure up to £250,000 in equity funding

Business management

New small business strategic challenge or the same one in disguise?

Matthew Cushen, co-founder at Worth Capital, discusses how despite technology's impact on all businesses, the heart of the business challenge remains the same.


UPS: How to expand your business internationally and acquire loyal customers


Apprentice winner Mark Wright is our new columnist

Winner of The Apprentice will pen a monthly column for on the ups and downs, challenges and rewards of running your own business


The art of creating a successful newsletter

Newsletters are a great way to keep in touch with your customers, share news and convert subscribers into customers, says Jay Ripton


Why email marketing is still crucial in 2021

Jay Ripton explains why, even though social media has exploded over the past decade, email marketing is still worth your time and money

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade

Partner content

How should I select my business broadband provider?

As with any supplier, it’s important to do your research and ask important questions before you select a broadband provider for your business. But what are the must-have things you should take into consideration?

Partner content

Why your business should switch to a broadband-based phone network

Analogue phone systems are increasingly being replaced by smarter broadband based networks – here’s why you should consider switching

Partner content

Streamlining document management for your small business

David Malan, sales director of DocuWare for the UK and Ireland, explains how the platform can streamline your document management