Search results for: email marketing

The rise of the mobile worker: Making remote working work for your business

Mobile working has been under scrutiny since legislation made it easier for employees to request it. Steve Haworth discusses how it works for him and his business.

Office & home working

Business management

Breaking bad collaboration habits in a small business

What are the bad collaboration habits in your company, and how do you break them? Meera Sapra gives some top tips.

Office & home working

The rise of the mobile worker: Making remote working work for your business

Mobile working has been under scrutiny since legislation made it easier for employees to request it. Steve Haworth discusses how it works for him and his business.

Business management

Breaking bad collaboration habits in a small business

What are the bad collaboration habits in your company, and how do you break them? Meera Sapra gives some top tips.

Office & home working

Social media in the workplace

Over recent years social media usage has been integrated into many professional roles. Here, Neil Atkinson discusses negotiating the line between professional and personal use.


How to overhaul your brand image

Here, Sally Barrett-Spring of reveals how the business managed its rebranding process.


How to keep your business top of mind with customers

Chris Rowson discusses the marketing methods to employ to captivate your customer base.

Business management

Words of wisdom from the advocate of contract work

Tony Harris started specialist financial advice service Contractor Financials in 2002 and has since built it to almost £3 million in turnover. Here, he talks about starting up and the benefits of short-term employment contracts.


Customer acquisition vs retention: Which side works best?

Jay Karsandas of discusses how three key aspects of digital marketing can help acquire and retain customers.

Finding and selling to customers

How to get to know your customers for free

Elizabetta Camilleri of SalesGossip discusses how she got to know her customers, how she continues to learn about them every day and the importance of knowing your market.

Business management

Starting and growing a private tuition business

Steve Spriggs, founder of William Clarence Education, which offers private academic tuition, talks about his company's marketing challenges, controlling costs and his growth plans.


Choosing the right product packaging and labelling

Here's how good presentation of your product can be a marketing tool as of itself.


Consumers happy to share personal data with brands

UK consumers are 'surprisingly relaxed' about sharing their data with businesses, research finds.


Talking to the SME bad debt specialists

Debt Guard is a recently-launched debt recovery system aimed at small and medium sized companies. Here, chief operating officer Mark Burgess discusses the company's plans moving forward, from customer acquisition to marketing.

Business Loans

A guide to getting a small business loan

Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.

Partner content

Small business owners: discover alternative funding solutions to help fuel your growth

Business Technology

Why you should upgrade your tech now rather than later

To run an optimal business, you must have optimal tech. We explain why you must upgrade your business technology on a regular basis

Investing in a franchise

Should I buy a franchise or go solo?

Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.