Loans scheme for start-ups falls flat
Last month the government launched a finance package to help struggling small businesses access bank loans, but SMEs say they aren’t seeing the benefits.
Small Business Banking
Last month the government launched a finance package to help struggling small businesses access bank loans, but SMEs say they aren’t seeing the benefits.
Small Business Banking
In these uncertain times it’s important to keep your cool and make the right decisions.
Small Business Banking
Last month the government launched a finance package to help struggling small businesses access bank loans, but SMEs say they aren’t seeing the benefits.
In these uncertain times it’s important to keep your cool and make the right decisions.
Business Loans
There is still another means of raising cash without giving away too much equity.
For almost all sectors of commerce today, the Internet, or more specifically the World Wide Web, is now a key tool for business. In the field of marketing in particular it has become crucial.
Business Ideas & Planning
God supposedly built the world in seven days, so why not do the same with a business? Naturally, you would have to do some serious planning in advance and know your business idea inside and out.
Office & home working
Moving offices will test your financial skills and your ability to forecast how the company is set to grow.
Employing & managing staff
Michael Jackson, chairman of leading technology venture capitalist Elderstreet Investments, gives his tips for dealing with stress.
Buying and selling a company
Greed, pride, and an array of other human weaknesses can get in the way of a good exit. speaks to entrepreneurs about their triumphs and regrets in selling their businesses.
Funding your small business
Evan Davis, presenter of BBC TWO's Dragons' Den and the BBC economics editor, believes there is no use complaining about the struggle to raise finances when starting up a new company. For Davis, it's simply part of the entrepreneur's lot.
Business management
If you don't have the necessary experience starting a business alone, your best bet could be to take advantage of the support that a franchise network offers. To find out what it takes, spoke to a franchisee and asked why he chose to go down that route.
Alternative finance
More and more owner-managers are recognising that significant time savings can be made if they outsource this element of their operations to factoring specialists, says Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance.
Alternative finance
If your original source of funding dries up or you fail to convince the bank manager, does that mean you should call it a day?
Partner content
Philip Welsh, product marketing manager at Sage, explains why employers’ National Insurance contributions (NIC) are rising in April 2025 – impacting employee costs, cashflow and margins for firms
Business Technology
With fraud posing a significant threat to small businesses, Rachael Tiffen from Cifas addresses the role of digital skills in fraud prevention
Business Loans
Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.