How I became a florist
Ever dreamt about becoming a florist? Learn about the reality of running your own shop with north London-based florist Alys.
Business Ideas & Planning
This section covers business start up ideas and business planning. The expert advice articles will help you learn how to write an effective business plan to help secure funding and there are guides to step you through the launch of a successful business.
Ever dreamt about becoming a florist? Learn about the reality of running your own shop with north London-based florist Alys.
Business Ideas & Planning
Business Ideas & Planning
Here are a few key questions for students to ask themselves before making the leap into starting a business.
Business Ideas & Planning
In this piece, David Weiner explores the importance of finding the right name for your small business.
Business Ideas & Planning
How do you go about discovering your business niche? Here, Mark Perera gives his top tips for would-be company owners.
Business Ideas & Planning
Here, we look at how three people decided to turn their passion into profits and make a business out of their hobby.
Business Ideas & Planning
Rosie Ginday discusses her experience of setting up a macaroon business and the challenges she faced.
Business Ideas & Planning
Nick Wealthall explores the common mistakes made by people thinking about quitting their job to work on their own business.
Business Ideas & Planning
South London student Ibiere Banigo discusses the lengths she went to to start and grow her online babysitting platform.
Business Ideas & Planning
Nick Wealthall explores the common mistakes made by people thinking about quitting their job to work on their own business.
Business Ideas & Planning
South London student Ibiere Banigo discusses the lengths she went to to start and grow her online babysitting platform.
Business Ideas & Planning
Here, we look at just a few of the ways a student can make extra income by setting up a business while studying.
Business Ideas & Planning
Nick Leech looks at some key questions to ask yourself to ensure you fully understand the industry and the market that you are entering into.
Business Ideas & Planning
Here, Eduardo Martinez argues that entrepreneurs must not ignore the rising costs of starting a business if they want to be a success.
Business Ideas & Planning
Across all industries, innovation in mobile and location-based services has been rapid, but for obvious reasons travel has been a particular hotspot, with services such as Uber and AirBnB exploding onto the scene in recent years.
Business Loans
Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.
Business Technology
To run an optimal business, you must have optimal tech. We explain why you must upgrade your business technology on a regular basis
Investing in a franchise
Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.