
Artificial Intelligence

Exploring the ways Artificial intelligence (AI) can usefully improve the way UK small businesses operate through automation and better use of data.

Business Technology

Harnessing the power of AI to propel your small business forward

Artificial intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool for startups and small businesses. But will regulatory plans stifle potential productivity, efficiency and innovation gains?

Business Ideas & Planning

Best business ideas for 2024: AI consultant

An AI consultant can advise on what AI platforms and tools are out there, which is a service that's highly in-demand in 2024


AI marketing tools for your business

Mull over the pros and cons of AI marketing tools and find out what platforms could work for your small business


Three quarters of small businesses ‘surviving, not thriving’

#SBS State of the Nation Roundtable report reveals that 72% of small businesses feel they are surviving, rather than thriving

Business Technology

Avoid these AI risks in your business

Generative AI has its uses in business but getting it wrong can be damaging. Katherine Evans explores the potential pitfalls


Digital marketing trends for small business in 2023

Jay Ripton shares the digital marketing trends for small businesses which will continue to thrive into 2023 – which ones will you adopt?

Business Technology

3 technologies business owners value most

Virgin Money research has found that 85 per cent of SMEs plan to adopt new tech to help support their growth — here are the technologies most valued by business owners

Business Technology

How autonomous technology can boost business productivity

Here, we explain how autonomous technology can enhance your business productivity in four key areas

Business Technology

The Magnificent Salesforce – 7 questions for SMEs

Future technology such as AI and machine learning will free up small businesses to do more valuable, creative work while increasing productivity, argues Paul Smith

Business Technology

How professionals and corporations can prepare for the AI revolution

Dr Stephen Simpson and Hugh Shields, founders of UK-based corporate performance consultancy Alpha Fortius, advise on how to survive and thrive in the new world of AI

Business Technology

These are the practical applications of AI for small businesses in the UK

There are now lots of practical ways in which small businesses can use artificial intelligence in their business to improve efficiencies.

Business Technology

Artificial intelligence: the next step for CRM

Customer relationship management is key to any business, and there are ways you can help it. Sridhar Iyengar of Zoho explains how artificial intelligence will give your CRM a welcome boost.

Business Loans

A guide to getting a small business loan

Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.

Partner content

Small business owners: discover alternative funding solutions to help fuel your growth

Business Technology

Why you should upgrade your tech now rather than later

To run an optimal business, you must have optimal tech. We explain why you must upgrade your business technology on a regular basis

Investing in a franchise

Should I buy a franchise or go solo?

Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.