
Business names

Articles, news and advice on business or company names – how to choose, what to consider, legal implications and more.

Business Ideas & Planning

How to choose the perfect name for your business

In this piece, David Weiner explores the importance of finding the right name for your small business.

Business Ideas & Planning

Five tips for choosing the best name for your start-up

What's in a name? Toby Vacher of enthuse.me discusses the key considerations when naming your business.

Legal advice

Another company is using our brand name, what can we do?

Another company has started up using our name. We are an online shop and have been in business since 2003. We let a domain name slide, a company has bought it, and is selling similar products under the same name. We have had three calls from their unhappy customers thinking it was us. Please help!


Name that start-up

The majority of small business owners are opting for snappy, memorable names for their start-up operations, rather than the traditional choice of family names in a bid to simultaneously reflect their product and appeal to customers.

Business Ideas & Planning

Guide to choosing a business name

What's in a name? Quite a lot actually. One of the most important decisions you will have to make is what to call your new business.

Business Loans

A guide to getting a small business loan

Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.

Partner content

Small business owners: discover alternative funding solutions to help fuel your growth

Business Technology

Why you should upgrade your tech now rather than later

To run an optimal business, you must have optimal tech. We explain why you must upgrade your business technology on a regular basis

Investing in a franchise

Should I buy a franchise or go solo?

Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.