
Launching a new product

Business Ideas & Planning

Why starting up in a ‘dry’ industry can give you the edge you need

In this piece Cat Pinkney, co-founder of Paycircle, explains why launching a product in a dull sector has been the key to the company's success.


Top tips for entrepreneurs looking to launch a new product

Phil Simmonds, group managing director at EC Electronics, gives his top tips for launching a new product.


What running through four miles of porridge teaches you about launch marketing

Too many businesses and start-ups approach launch marketing in the same manner they view regular marketing. This is a mistake, argues Martin Flavin.

Finding and selling to customers

New product development: Organising to identify customer needs

In this article, we offer some guidance to help companies organise their customer needs intelligence teams.


Marketers prioritise online social media when launching new products

Social media is king when marketers are choosing which platforms to launch new products, according to new research.

Business management

Launching a male grooming brand 

Hair and makeup artist Lisa Hilton started men's grooming brand Rehab London in 2009 and now turns over £200,000.

Business management

Mune – The health shot solution

Derek and Lucy Sanders came up with the idea for health shot company Mune in January 2010 and launched it in August that year.

Business Ideas & Planning

Getting your product design brief right

Ask a successful designer what the most important part of developing a product is and they’re most likely to say the briefing phase, notes Tim Gluyas, director of inventors’ resource IdeasintoProfit. Without a clear brief, it can prove almost impossible to design and develop a commercially successful product.

Investing in a franchise

Should I buy a franchise or go solo?

Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.

Partner content

16 ways to improve your business cash flow

Read here for 16 tried and tested tips and tricks to improve potential cash flow problems

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade