
Making Tax Digital

Articles, news and advice on Making Tax Digital (MTD) – the government’s initiative to simplify tax accounting for UK businesses and individuals.


Best UK small business accounting software – review guide

It’s never been easier or more affordable to manage your tax and accounting using small business accounting software - find the best accounting package for your needs below


Making Tax Digital will set firms back £1.5bn in upfront costs

Making Tax Digital set to knock businesses back by £1.5bn in upfront costs, highlights the government's spending watchdog.

Making Tax Digital

Basis Period Reform and Making Tax Digital: Everything you need to know 

Who will be affected by the basis period reform? How will the new system work? And what do you need to do to prepare? We explain all

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital: The closure of VAT online accounts

Making Tax Digital is now mandated by law, and sine the 1 November businesses can no longer be able to use their existing VAT online accounts.

Making Tax Digital

9 myths about Making Tax Digital busted

There’s been a lot of misinformation around Making Tax Digital (MTD), leaving many businesses wondering how exactly it applies to them, what their responsibilities are, and whether it will affect their tax liability.  

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital for Income Tax: The lowdown

HMRC has confirmed that the Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self-Assessment mandate will be delayed until 2026 and will launch using a phased approach.

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital mothballed for millions of self-employed

HMRC postpones Making Tax Digital income tax reporting for millions of small businesses, raising threshold to £30,000 income from April 2026


Self-employed Making Tax Digital faces delay until 2026

Treasury set to announce two-year delay to rolling out its Making Tax Digital system to the self-employed and microbusinesses earning over £10,000 from April 2024 to 2026


How to do bookkeeping as a small business

Keeping on top of your accounts as a small business needn’t be a headache. With the right approach and tools, it can be incredibly useful. Little and often is the key, says Ryan Grundy


Bookkeeping when you’re a sole trader

What’s the difference between bookkeeping and accounting? Do you even need to do bookkeeping as a sole trader? Kate Gloudemans answers your questions

Making Tax Digital

Making Tax Digital for VAT post April – what now?

Every VAT-registered business will have to register with Making Tax Digital from 1 April. Fabiano Rocha of Sage explains how HMRC digital VAT reporting is changing and what future changes we can expect

Making Tax Digital

What is the HMRC penalty system for Making Tax Digital?

HMRC’s new penalty regime is intended to be fairer and less severe in order to promote more timely submissions. We explain how it works and when it comes into force

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade

Partner content

How should I select my business broadband provider?

As with any supplier, it’s important to do your research and ask important questions before you select a broadband provider for your business. But what are the must-have things you should take into consideration?

Partner content

Why your business should switch to a broadband-based phone network

Analogue phone systems are increasingly being replaced by smarter broadband based networks – here’s why you should consider switching

Partner content

Streamlining document management for your small business

David Malan, sales director of DocuWare for the UK and Ireland, explains how the platform can streamline your document management