

The Recession small business archive.


Nearly 60% of businesses face going under

Six out of ten business owners consider throwing in towel, buffeted by inflation, soaring energy bills and an economy heading into recession


CBI calls for Cobra-style emergency committee for economy

Recession ‘a very live concern’ as CBI outlines 7 interventions to boost growth before autumn budget


5 reasons why setting up a business in a recession is a good idea

Thinking of starting your own business during a recession? 5 reasons why now could be a good time and 4 legal steps you should take


Going green doesn’t help SMEs in the red

Environmental concerns have been pushed to one side as the recession has forced small businesses to refocus their priorities.


Blue Mondays

Workers are turning to antidepressants as a consequence of challenging market conditions.


UK emerges from recession

The UK economy grew by 0.1 per cent in the last quarter of 2009 officially ending the recession.

Business Ideas & Planning

Start-ups defy recession

Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and General Electric were all founded during slumps - proving the tenacity of great business ideas.


Tradesmen at recession breaking point

A large proportion of tradesmen (plumbers, electricians and carpenters) don’t expect to be in business by the end of the year.


CBI: Recession changing working arrangements

Employers are changing how they organise their workforce in light of the recession, new research from the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) suggests.


SMEs see ray of hope

A large proportion of small businesses believe the worst of the recession is behind them.


Recession businesses ‘need trade credit insurance’

Trade credit insurance is 'vital' in helping companies survive the current economic troubles, it has been claimed.


Ten recession-beating tips

In these uncertain times it’s important to keep your cool and make the right decisions.

Investing in a franchise

Should I buy a franchise or go solo?

Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.

Partner content

16 ways to improve your business cash flow

Read here for 16 tried and tested tips and tricks to improve potential cash flow problems

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade