

The Hiring and Recruitment small business archive. Expert advice to help UK small businesses optimise their recruiting strategies and processes to hire great employees. Includes guides and tips on attracting the right candidates by creating suitable job descriptions, offering the right incentives and choosing appropriate recruitment platforms.


Trying to hire staff

There is no getting round the fact that great ideas are always made or ruined by other people.


Qualifications ‘less important’ for smaller firms

Small businesses place less significance on formal qualifications because they are more interested in basic skills and finding someone who'll fit into the company.

Employing & managing staff

Do you have to advertise vacancies internally in all circumstances?

The advertising of vacancies is, to a degree, a balancing act.

Employing & managing staff

Hiring self-employed staff

We own a beauty salon and want to employ a self-employed nail technician, on a basis of splitting the money that she earns. How do we go about this and what do we need to put in her contract?

Partner content

Why you need a business bank account

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats