
Self Assessment

Articles and guides on Self Assessment tax issues for UK small businesses and SMEs.


Make sure you don’t miss the self-assessment deadline

Chas Roy-Chowdhury of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants discusses the need to keep an eye on the self-assessment deadline.


Six reasons to tackle your self assessment now

Emily Coltman discusses why it's best to be well prepared for the January 31st deadline.


Get your books in order now and avoid another self-assessment nightmare

Emily Coltman gives her top tips for getting your books in order now, so you can avoid a self-assessment headache next year.


Missed the self-assessment deadline? You can still file your tax return

Emily Coltman of Freeagent gives advice on what to do if you have missed the January 31 deadline.


Five self-assessment tax return tips to follow

Bobby Chadha, resident accounting expert at Intuit, gives his top five tips for small businesses preparing to fill in their self-assessment tax return.


Last minute tips for self assessment return

With the paper self assessment tax return deadline on October 31, Anita Monteith, technical manager of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Tax Faculty, has the following advice for ensuring you make the deadline.


Proof of earnings

What documentation can be requested from a self-employed individual as accurate proof of gross or net monthly/annual earnings?

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