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Business Loans
A guide to getting a small business loan
Business Technology
Why you should upgrade your tech now rather than later
Investing in a franchise
Döner Haus and Döner Shack are bringing UK consumers the opportunity to eat great tasting German food, without the airfare cost
DR. VEGAN is a range of vegan supplements suitable for every type of diet
Boundless removes the phytic acid from high fibre foods to create snacks that activate nutritional value and increase bioavailability
CHIKA’S mission is to share IYANU (amazing) snacks by bringing natural ingredients and taste sensations from Africa to food lovers
Eaten Alive is a set of fermented pickle products, ranging from Kimchi and sauerkraut, to chillies
Flower & White produce gourmet chocolate treats that are under 100 calories
Free From Fellows have created a vegan range of sugar-free, gelatine-free and gluten-free sweets
Fullgreen produce plant-based products, packed with nutritious vegetables
Holy Moly Dips have created a range of shop-bought dips that taste as good as if they were homemade
Howdah has brought a taste of India to the UK, with a range street-food inspired snacks that tantalise the taste buds
Business Loans
Everything you need to know on what small business loans are and what types of loan are available for your business.
Business Technology
To run an optimal business, you must have optimal tech. We explain why you must upgrade your business technology on a regular basis
Investing in a franchise
Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.