Articles, case studies and analysis on the UK start-up ecosystem, the newly established businesses with innovative ideas, products, or services, often founded by entrepreneurs aiming to fill a gap in the market.
Business Ideas & Planning
5 worst startup ideas and 7 ways to make sure your business gets funded
Business Ideas & Planning
Intellectual property – how to protect yours as a start up or scale up
Crowdfunding for Business
Crowdfunding 2.0: why security tokens will transform start-up finance
Startup Funding and Grants
Pre-revenue Q&A: ‘I don’t even know if we’ll be successful in the long-term’
Startup Funding and Grants
Business funding for graduates launching a start-up
Business Ideas & Planning
How to turn your one man band business into a market leader
Business Technology
Tech for start-ups: three IT essentials to help your new business
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