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Tej Lalvani

Channel: Tej Lalvani

Subscribers: 8.59k

Must-watch video: Why You Should Start A Business Today

Video categories

  • Dragon’s Den
  • Business Advice
  • Shorts

Very active on social media, Tej Lalvani is always open to giving his followers a spot of advice. He has interviews with other investors (fellow Dragon Sara Davies being one of them) and essentials like negotiating tips.

The channel has a fair bit of advice for entrepreneurs interested in going on the show. Check out ‘One Easy Way to Win Investment on Dragon’s Den’ for a super-quick one minute guide. It’s interesting to find out more about his life inside and outside the Den by watching videos like ‘My Biggest Regret on Dragon’s Den’ and ‘My Story of Success and Persistence’.

He has one key mantra on his channel: “Don’t chase money, create value and money will knock at your door.”

Related: “Nearly everything is possible” – Our podcast interview with Tej

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Anna Jordan

Anna is Senior Reporter, covering topics affecting SMEs such as grant funding, managing employees and the day-to-day running of a business.

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