

The small business blog for owner managers providing opinion & comment on all things related to small businesses

Is the current UK climate strong enough to support business growth?

Here, we talk about the driver of economic growth in the UK, whether or not the UK will be raising its rate any time soon, and whether or not now is a good climate for UK businesses big and small.



Planning a European business trip

Business trips to the continent, if nothing else, allow you a chance to stretch your legs. You can escape the confines of the office and see something a little different.


Going away on business? What not to leave behind 

Business travel doesn't always go smoothly. A successful and enjoyable trip is far more likely if you plan ahead.


Who is looking out for our small businesses?

Many of the decisions emerging from Westminster still tend to ignore or actively harm the micro-business sector, argues Jason Kitcat.


Achieving more through stress avoidance

In this piece, David Cliff ruminates on striking the right balance between acquiring luxuries and having the time to enjoy them.


How the government can win back the micro-business vote 

Darren Fell assesses what the government could and should have done this summer to cater more for the needs of small businesses.


The consequences of a Brexit for small companies

Michael Hatchwell discusses what a Brexit' would actually mean for businesses from a legal perspective.


Reasons for the growth of UK entrepreneurship

Here, we look at how the government and role models from popular culture have helped inspire a burgeoning entrepreneurial scene in the UK.


The consequences of a Brexit for small companies

Michael Hatchwell discusses what a Brexit' would actually mean for businesses from a legal perspective.


Reasons for the growth of UK entrepreneurship

Here, we look at how the government and role models from popular culture have helped inspire a burgeoning entrepreneurial scene in the UK.


Why Wigan is becoming a home for entrepreneurs

Here, in association with Wigan Council, we look at Wigan’s promising characteristics that make it a worthy home for small and growing companies.


If courtesy costs nothing, why is it so rare in business?

David Cliff discusses the decline of common courtesy and how making an effort to be courteous in business relationships will pay dividends.


A big week for small businesses

Here, Rich Preece reflects on the past week, hailing a positive Autumn Statement and a Small Business Saturday that represented small companies well across the UK.


What can UK SME owners learn from their US counterparts?

Rich Preece explores the nuances of how Americans run early-stage companies compared to Britons.

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade

Partner content

How should I select my business broadband provider?

As with any supplier, it’s important to do your research and ask important questions before you select a broadband provider for your business. But what are the must-have things you should take into consideration?

Partner content

Why your business should switch to a broadband-based phone network

Analogue phone systems are increasingly being replaced by smarter broadband based networks – here’s why you should consider switching

Partner content

Streamlining document management for your small business

David Malan, sales director of DocuWare for the UK and Ireland, explains how the platform can streamline your document management