Advice on how to start your own business, with guides to help you plan, develop and finance a start-up company, plus recommendations on registering the business, its legal structure and finding financial backing for growth. Whether you are just beginning or have already taken the first steps and want to keep everything on track, our expert articles will give you the knowledge to help lead you to success, whilst maintaining a good work-life balance.
Starting a business can initially seem daunting, but with good support and a strong idea you can quickly pass through the key stages of the setting-up process and be able to launch your company with a solid foundation.
Topics covered include: regulations and requirements for company owners, finding and selecting the professional services you may need (such as banking, insurance, accountancy etc.), legal structure options (self-employed person, sole trader, a partnership or a limited company), business planning, UK start up funding sources and finding your first customers.
You’ve got some inspirational market insight and created the killer idea for a business. You can see where the revenue will come from, and with a healthy margin. But what about the investment you’ll need to get it up and running?
Nick and Jo James, co-founders of online bedding company Bedfolk, sold their flat to fund their online bedding business. Here Nick talks about what difference winning the Start-Up Series has made and why getting into bed with Worth Capital was so important
Single parents start their new businesses with less money than most start-ups and they work longer hours. Joanna Morris shares 10 tips to make your single-mum (or dad) business a success
With many facing redundancy as businesses emerge from lockdown and those on furlough lose their jobs, here are five low-cost ideas for starting your own business post Covid-19
Swamped with direct mail marketing flyers? What about suspicious junk mail trying to scam you? LegalZoom’s Registered Agent service sifts your mail before it reaches your home address, protecting you and your business
Swamped with direct mail marketing flyers? What about suspicious junk mail trying to scam you? LegalZoom’s Registered Agent service sifts your mail before it reaches your home address, protecting you and your business
We all shield our personal lives on social media, so why should your business be any different? LegalZoom’s Registered Agent protects your personal address.
The government’s announcement that key workers can carry over statutory annual leave into the next two years is welcome, says Steve Arnold. But you want to encourage staff to take holiday even when self-isolating
Forming your own company can be overwhelming for anybody starting out. LegalZoom has a range of packages to make starting a limited company as easy as possible.
Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.