Advice on how to start your own business, with guides to help you plan, develop and finance a start-up company, plus recommendations on registering the business, its legal structure and finding financial backing for growth. Whether you are just beginning or have already taken the first steps and want to keep everything on track, our expert articles will give you the knowledge to help lead you to success, whilst maintaining a good work-life balance.
Starting a business can initially seem daunting, but with good support and a strong idea you can quickly pass through the key stages of the setting-up process and be able to launch your company with a solid foundation.
Topics covered include: regulations and requirements for company owners, finding and selecting the professional services you may need (such as banking, insurance, accountancy etc.), legal structure options (self-employed person, sole trader, a partnership or a limited company), business planning, UK start up funding sources and finding your first customers. director Jason Goldberg tells about his mother's struggle to find a health farm, working out of his garage for 10 years and setting the bar for employees.
SkateHut owner, Mark Johansen-Berg, tells about the growth of his online skate business and what advice he has for budding entrepreneurs.
When it comes to positive mental health, colour is often the forgotten part of the picture. Giving conscious thought to colour in the workplace could be the key to less work stress says Karen Haller, the UK’s leading colour psychology expert.
Setting up a UK-based business is generally quick, cheap and easy. But whether you are a small business entrepreneur or a scalable start-up entrepreneur, the road ahead can be treacherous. Here, we set out what you need to know in the early stages.
Starting a new business is an exciting venture. But – especially in well-established industry sectors – a key question is whether it would be better to buy a franchise or go solo.