
Mental health

Articles and guides on managing mental health issues within a small business. By addressing mental health proactively and empathetically, small businesses can enhance employee morale, productivity, and retention while creating a healthier and more resilient workforce.

Employing & managing staff

Should we be brave enough to take sick leave for mental health?

Now that businesses are taking notice and supporting staff members with mental health issues, should you take off sick leave for your health?


One in three UK employees are working with anxiety, depression or stress

One in three UK employees are working with anxiety, depression or stress, according to new research from PWC.


One in three now comfortable talking about mental health at work

Claims for mental health treatment through work is up 53 per cent over 10 years, with stress and anxiety diagnoses doubled since last year.

Employing & managing staff

How to support an employee with mental health problems

Here, Alison King, director of Bespoke HR, guides us on how, as a business leader, you can support staff with mental health issues.

Business management

It’s tough at the top: A focus on the mental health of business leaders

Here, David Cliff, managing director of Gedanken, highlights the problems of neglecting the mental health of business leaders.

Employing & managing staff

National Mental Health Week: How to ensure your employees have good mental health

Here, Beate O'Neil asks: Are more employers looking at how to address mental health issues in the workplace and support their staff?


Half of employers see increase in stress and mental health illnesses

Half (55 per cent) of employers have seen an increase in stress and mental health related illnesses, shows Aon Benefits & Trends Survey.

Employing & managing staff

How can businesses help their employees’ mental health

Report reveals that there were 488,000 cases of work-related stress, anxiety or depression in 2015/16.


Why a third of UK employees keep mental illness a secret at work

Many UK employees are not open about mental health conditions at work due to fear of judgement or an impact on their career.


Brits diagnosed with a mental health condition to embarrassed to talk at work

Research reveals a quarter of Brits who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition aren’t open about it in the workplace because they’re embarrassed.


Employees with physical conditions also require mental health support

Businesses need to look after the mental health of their employees as well as the physical aspects of their health.

Employing & managing staff

Employers can help transform attitudes to mental health

Employers can help transform attitudes to mental health in the wake of Prime Minister’s announcement says Activ Absence.

Partner content

What are the benefits of business broadband?

Business broadband offers a host of advantages over standard domestic connections, here’s why you should be considering an upgrade

Partner content

How should I select my business broadband provider?

As with any supplier, it’s important to do your research and ask important questions before you select a broadband provider for your business. But what are the must-have things you should take into consideration?

Partner content

Why your business should switch to a broadband-based phone network

Analogue phone systems are increasingly being replaced by smarter broadband based networks – here’s why you should consider switching

Partner content

Streamlining document management for your small business

David Malan, sales director of DocuWare for the UK and Ireland, explains how the platform can streamline your document management