
Self Employed

Articles and news on Self Employed topics from the Small Business archive.

Business Ideas & Planning

Have you got what it takes to start out as self employed?

David Bird discusses the character traits required to be successful in self employment and what to consider before taking the plunge.

Small Business Insurance

The importance of self-employed income protection

SmallBusiness.co.uk discusses income protection cover and the surrounding issues.

Business Ideas & Planning

Self-employment: six steps to success

The chance to steer your own career is a major attraction of becoming self-employed. However, success needs a firm foundation, so before you take the leap, follow these six quick steps to success.


Tax system ‘can be more difficult for the self-employed’

Self-employed businesspeople should be especially careful about their financial affairs, according the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT).

Legal advice

Holidays for the self-employed

Holiday entitlement for sole traders and the self-employed can be a tricky business. In the intance of a self-employed decorator who has worked for the same company for nearly two years, Peter Done explains why it's such a complicated issue.

Partner content

Why you need a business bank account

HSBC - Advertising feature

Partner content

5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats