Why you should become carbon neutral


Andrew Walsh, founder of AW Repair group and a keen diver, explains how the company has achieved its carbon neutral status

As a keen diver, Andrew Walsh has seen first-hand the damage that carbon emissions are causing to our oceans, and he’s committed to playing his part in the effort to reduce the devastation of the natural world before it’s too late.

As an entrepreneur, he’s also aware that there’s an increasing expectation on the part of customers, partners and investors that all businesses should prove that they’re doing everything in their power to minimise their impact on the environment.

Those are two of the reasons why AW Repair Group has committed to cutting its carbon footprint by 2 per cent year on year.

In partnership with an environmental consultancy, the Group has been through a thorough review of its activities: maximising the use of renewable energy sources, working with suppliers to minimise deliveries, specifying new equipment with variable speed or fuel saver modes, introducing a fleet of electric and hybrid courtesy cars, disposing of its waste responsibly and implementing efficiencies in every area of its operations.

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As a result, the whole AW network has now achieved carbon neutrality to the PAS2060 standard.

It’s taken a lot of time and effort, there have been costs in the short term and there’ll be further costs down the line for carbon offsetting. But Andrew sees all this as an essential investment to safeguard the Group’s reputation as a responsible and sustainable business.

Above all, it’s part of AW’s contribution to the global campaign to ensure that we leave
the planet in the best possible shape for our children and grandchildren.

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